
Recapping the Dub Magazine Project: Season 2, Episode 5

Nov 27, 2012

This week was the first week of MGK hosting. He calmed down a bit, and only offered a bit of hyperness. Maybe that’s a good thing. Either way, it was a nice look for him- especially he hasn’t been out for a long time. Wondering if he knows a thing or two about cars, because the previous two host has quite the collection of vehicles.

Grand Hustle’s BoB kicked off the first segment. Driving around in a city that I unfortunately know too well—Atlanta, in a Lamborghini Gallardo Spyder painted Matte black. As much as I love BoB, his segment didn’t talk about cars too much, so on to the next one… What's with the first segments of the show not talking about cars?

Time out from the recap… I’ve been seeing a LOT of clips with Pauly D. I hope he’s gonna be on here. And Dub, don’t make his segment short.

Jonathan Davis from the group Korn. I love how he’s riding in that 69 Monster Camaro that West Coast Customs did for him.  What WCC did for him is took the car apart, and rebuilt it as a new car with the old school shell and gave certain interior aspects the old school look. He knows his cars.

YES!!! THEY SHOWED PAULY D!!! Note: this part is virtually nonexistent because I spent too much time staring at the tv and not typing. The only part I can remember is that Myles Kovacs gave him the bike and that he received another one. Basically a two for the price of one deal. 

Roadstarr got the hottest cars in LA? I guess that’s just Ronnie’s opinion, but hey, let’s keep going with Ronnie from the Jersey Shore’s segment. So Ronnie took an Audi R8 out on an extended test drive. I have a soft spot for Ronnie, simply because he’s from the Bronx. I have a soft spot for J-Woww, cause she’s from Long Island. I have a soft spot for Pauly D cause of his looks.  But Ronnie couldn’t test out the capability of the R8 because of the LA traffic. He should be use to it by now- the traffic on the Cross Bronx Expressway isn’t exactly the greatest either.

Speciality Car Craft has the shop talk segment. Their showroom looks uber comfortable. Looks like someone’s living room. I would just go there to watch Mob Wives and play pool. (I can’t play pool, so I’ll be pretending.) But the customizations they do are the understated customizations- it looks factory but it’s really isn’t. Basically customizations that doesn’t cheapen the car.

Ron Artest… I’m not gonna call him no Metta World Peace. Is he driving a Ford Focus??? Hold up, is he really driving a Ford Focus and is still trying to rap??? I’m done. Even if he’s from Queensbridge. *drops mic and walks away*

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