
Bernies Return Trip to the Petersen Automotive Museum

Sep 28, 2017

My trips to Los Angeles will never be fully complete without going to this particular place. I absolutely love the Petersen Automotive Museum. Although this is my fourth time gracing this location, it always feels like the very first time... and no I'm not going to sing the song.

Just in case if you're not familiar with the Petersen, allow me to fill you in. The Petersen Automotive Museum is one of-- if not the greatest automotive museums in the world. Started by Hot Rod magazine founder Robert Petersen and his wife Margie (Fun fact: Margie was a native New Yorker), the Petersen Automotive Museum started out as a dream. The Petersens purchased the building that was once the home of Ohrbach’s department store and on June 11th, 1994, the Petersen Automotive Museum opened it's doors on the corner of Fairfax Ave and Wilshire Blvd.

The museum showcases over 100 vehicles spread out on four floors. The ground floor focuses on automotive artistry. The second floor is principally concerned with industrial engineering—including design, performance, and a collection of interactive teaching exhibits. The third floor chronicles the history of the automobile with an emphasis on the car culture of Southern California. And then there's the basement, which is the home of the Vault- over 150 additional Hollywood, race, and ultra rare vehicles. Sadly, photography isn't allowed in the vault.

The featured exhibit during this particular visit was the High Art of Riding Low, which features a staple to the Los Angeles' automotive culture, the lowrider. Walking in the building, I was greeting by no other, but Gypsy Rose, a 1964 Chevrolet Impala that happens to be the world's most famous lowrider.  How famous is she? Glad you asked. Gypsy Rose is so famous, the Historic Vehicle Association inducted her into the National Historic Vehicle Register, where her specifications, photos, detailed scans, entire life story will be archived for all time by the Library of Congress.

All in all, the Petersen Automotive Museum gives enthusiasts a chance to emerge themselves in some much needed and always appreciated automotive culture. To see the rest of my photos, check out Bernie's Petersen Automotive Museum gallery. Until next time, Los Angeles...

Bernie's Car Show Coverage: Long Beach Swap Meet: September 2017

Sep 21, 2017

After I left Sunset GT, I rushed over to Long Beach to go to my first swap meet, a milestone in my life. I found out about Long Beach Swap Meet from Glasses Malone, a rapper/producer who happens to have a deep love for street racing-- and also building cars to race in. Fast forward a few weeks later, and on September 10th, I was pulling up to Long Beach Veterans Stadium for their monthly meet.

I didn't know what I was in for. First of all, this was my first time at a swap meet. New York doesn't refer to them as swap meets. We call them flea markets (and they sell everything) and they're held indoors, seven days a week. But this was different, every vendor sells automotive items... Plus this wasn't just a swap meet, it was a car show too. California has an unique automotive culture and many enthusiasts build their cars. The venders at Long Beach Swap Meet actually sells every part of the car you would need to build one. I've seen motors, seats, doors, hoods, side fenders, bolts, steering wheels, screws, headlights, bumpers, paint, etc. You name it, there's someone there selling it.

Although I did have a grand time at Sunset GT, I wished that it didn't overlap with Long Beach Swap Meet. I was only able to spend the final 90 minutes of the show photographing cars, meeting people, and of course... Shopping. Believe me when I say that I will be back.

To see the rest of the photos, check out Bernie's Long Beach Swap Meet gallery. Did I mention how much fun I had?

Bernie's Car Show Coverage: O'Gara Coach Presents Sunset GT: September 2017

Sep 20, 2017

One day after the Arts In Motion car show, I decided to get an early start and attended O'Gara Coach's monthly Sunset GT meet up. Sunset GT (short for Gran Turismo-- of course) is like Caffeine and Exotics on steroids. Held in West Hollywood, car enthusiasts (and some lucky owners) gathered around early Sunday morning and gawked at what was pulling in.

So once I've navigated through the crowd, I was fortunate to see some cars that I do see in Atlanta- like the Lamborghini Aventador, Lamborghini Huracan, Nissan GTRs, BMW M4, Bentley Bentayga, etc. Ohhhhhhhhhh, but I had the opportunity to see cars that I don't see in Atlanta- like the LaFerrari and my luxurious love of my life- the Tiffany Blue Bentley Continental GT Speed.

I could only stay for a little over an hour because I needed to leave to head to my next location.  However, Sunset GT left a lasting impression on my heart. I will be back, I don't know when, but I will return. But when I do return, I hope Sunset GT doesn't occur on the same morning as Long Beach Swap Meet.

To see the rest of the photos, check out Bernie's O'Gara Coach's Sunset GT gallery.

Bernie's Car Show Coverage: 2017 Arts In Motion Show: Anaheim

Sep 18, 2017

I just returned from my annual trip to Los Angeles, where I emerged myself in their automotive culture... but everything didn't go as planned.

I usually plan my trips around a "main show" and this year's main show was Extreme Autofest in Anaheim but there was a schedule conflict with the location (The Day N Night festival was held at the Angels of Anaheim stadium, which is where Extreme Autofest was going to hold their show). Thankfully, Extreme Autofest was promoting a Hawaiian based car show called Arts in Motion. Arts in Motion is a show that is mostly geared towards the import/tuner/JDM world with a sprinkle of lowriders. I didn't know what I was in for, since I've never been to Hawaii and I'm unfamiliar with their automotive culture. But there's one thing about me- I don't have any issues emerging myself in other cultures and unfamiliar locations.

On September 9th, I've attended my first Arts in Motion located at the Anaheim Convention Center. All in all, I had a good time especially seeing a lot of cars that I've never seen before. I'll definitely return... to the Hawaii location. I really want to go to Hawaii.

To see the rest of the photos, check out Bernie's Arts in Motion: Anaheim gallery. Stay tuned for the rest of the photos from my trip to Los Angeles.

Bernie's Car Show Coverage: Caffeine and Octane: September 2017

Sep 6, 2017

My how the time has flown by. This past Sunday, Caffeine and Octane held their ninth show of 2017. Held at the Perimeter Mall outside of Atlanta in Dunwoody, Georgia, Caffeine and Octane allows car enthusiasts from all over to bring their cars and to show them off.

For the past few months, Caffeine and Octane’s attendance (in both spectators and vehicles) has become more and more grandiose. It doesn’t matter if you show up in a Lamborghini Huracan, Plymouth Roadrunner Superbird, a Golf Edition Porsche 918, Ford Mustang Mach 1, a classic Hotrod, or one of the many other vehicles that still allowed those that admire cars to appreciate them for the beauty that they are.

To see the rest of the photos, check out Bernie's Caffeine and Octane: September 2017 gallery.
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