
Parking 201 By Los Angeles Laker, Andrew Bynum

Jul 21, 2011

(It's easier to find a needle in a haystack than to find a flattering photo of Andrew Bynum, so I went with the one that had Canon on the step and repeat)

Are they that lazy in Los Angeles? No wonder it's such a laid back city. The same day Chris Brown was busted with his parking, Los Angeles Laker Andrew Bynum was busted as well.

Pulling into Bristol Farms Supermarket (think Publix in the South and Gristede's in New York), Andrew decided to park his customized BMW 645 Ci (I see a body kit and some wheels) in not one, but two handicapped parking spots, according to LADOT, who also took the following photos.

LADOT approached Andrew, and tried to get him to move. Instead he got back into his car, slammed the door and drove off... after completing his grocery shopping.

Sorry to be so blunt (actually, I'm not really sorry), but after seeing what Andrew Bynum looks like, this is a classic case of when a car can make a guy look great. Bernie doesn't consider arrogance as a hot personality trait. But after making $14 million dollars, at least he doesn't think that he's too famous to do his own grocery shopping.


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