
Bernie's Car Show Coverage: 2013 Dub Car Show: Atlanta

Jul 25, 2013

This past weekend, the Dub Magazine Car Show Tour finally stopped to Atlanta. However, this year's show was a little different. The past two years, they held the show in a smaller venue, but this time, they've brought it back to the Georgia International Convention Center (by the airport), and filled the room up with cars, cars, cars, some food vendors, a stage for the performances, and yes, some more cars. That's enough of my talking, so on with the photos.

House of Toyz from North Carolina brought a GMC Sierra, sitting on some 32 inch Forgiato Wheels with a nice black and white custom interior.

I like when they bring toy cars to match the real thing.

I didn't know "Raider Nation" was that hardcore. I've met some faux hardcore fans and very few of the real thing. Of course, they're nothing like Yankees fans.

Can't have a car show in Atlanta without a Chevy Chevelle SS

This Ford Mustang GT from 706 Motorsports definitely had heads turning.

706 Motorsports also brought this Ford F-150 Pickup truck filled with TVs and plenty of sound. And yes, they really did put multiple screens in the ceiling AND in the wheelwell.

 This photo was cute, even though he didn't want to smile.

This Oldsmobile Cutlass is sitting on Forgiato wheels with the matching Forgiato steering wheel.

Yes!!!! This Chevy Camaro SS is sitting gorgeously on my favorite wheels- Asanti AF 143s.

Another headturner for the day (aside from myself) a chromed out Chevy Corvette sitting on Forgiato Wheels.

This Forgiato award winning Chevy Camaro is a advertisement on four wheels.

One of my favorites of the show: a Dodge Challenger with a gorgeous cameleon colored paint job.

Duece and a quarter...

Can't have a car show without lowriders either.

This Caprice Classic was completely customized.


The Snoop De Ville

More Models!!!

Dave brought his newly recustomized Chevy Avalanche along with...

... She's so cute in her mini matching Chevy Avalanche.

Dub brought some lovely models who were signing many, many copies of their calendar.

There's just soooooooooooooo much more that I want to show off, but if you want to see the rest, go to my Dub Car Show: Atlanta gallery.

P.S. In a few weeks, I'll be back in Los Angeles area attending Dub Car Show Tour Stop of Anaheim located at Angels Stadium.

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