
Ain't that something: An iPhone can perform a vehicle's diagnostic test

Jan 7, 2011

I actually found this through Funkmaster Flex's blog, "In Flex We Trust".

Griffin's CarTrip On-Board Diagnostic Computer Reader is the easy, fun tool that helps you drive more fuel efficiently, save money, and do your part to save the planet.

CarTrip's wireless monitor plugs into your car's OBD-II port to record and analyze data from your car's on-board computer, then displays it on your compatible smartphone using a friendly (and free) little app called CleanDrive.

CleanDrive monitors your car's performance, collecting data like fuel consumption, acceleration, top speed and engine diagnostic codes as you drive. CleanDrive crunches the numbers and displays your "Carbon Score" in an easy-to-understand format on your device's screen. Instantaneous trip and long-term averages are recorded to give you a clear picture of how your driving habits impact the environment and the efficiency of your car over time.

In addition, CleanDrive will display and reset the diagnostic codes sent by your car's on-board computer, so you can know what the "Check Engine" light is really saying.

Car Trip is compatible with iPhone, iPad, iPod touch running iOS 4.0 or later to be used in automobiles built in 1996 and later which use an ODBII port to interface with their on-board computers.

For more info, check out Griffin

Again I say... Ain't that something?

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