
Recapping the GA Toyz Labor Day Car Show

Sep 9, 2010

This post is a little late cause when I was suppose to write it, I was a little heated and it wouldn't have been the best move for me to write.

On Saturday, I went out to the GA Toyz Labor Day Car Show, and unlike that crappy show in Madison, I was quite pleased. First of all, the turn out was great. A lot of cars, trucks, 3 wheelers, etc, some more customized than others. Some of the guys that I ran into happened to go to the Madison show, and they all said the same statement "this is a lot better than Madison".

I ran into some past favorites which are guys that I previously interviewed on here. Here's some photos...

(Jay was hustling Takers posters)

(Wheels cost more than the car, just sayin...)

(Which was pulling...)

(The owner kept bragging about how he was from Jersey, and how I should get a photo of the NJ Devils logo)

(So Keavis got rid of his old trunk lights and replaced them with the one that you see. I liked the old ones better, it had a Vegas vibe to it...)

(DJ D-Rex decided to play Justin Beiber since there were some kids standing on the flatbed of a pickup truck. When he turned Justin on, that was it. Those kids messed up the suspension of the truck, that's how hard they were jumping up and down...)

More photos can be seen at The GA Toyz Labor Day Gallery at

P.S. And I noticed that the on going trend when guys see me at a show, they always say "Don't talk bad about me on your site". I just call it like I see it. And that's why there wasn't anything negatively said about the GA Toyz Labor Day Car Show...

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