
Bernie's Car Show Coverage: 2023 Florida Classic Weekend

Dec 18, 2023

On November 17th, I made my faithful return to Orlando for my third Florida Classic Weekend.

We all know that Florida Classic Weekend has to do with a football game between FAMU and BC-U. However, you're reading a post from a person who doesn't care about Football (I'm New York to the heart, and I still don't care about the Giants and the Jets), so to me, Florida Classic Weekend is about cars.

Friday I was no where to be found (except Wawa, naturally.) Actually I decided to get plenty of rest, so that Saturday morning, I was able to get an early start. A few minutes prior to 11, I pulled up to 2155 West Colonial Drive, which is the address to Magic Mall with cash in hand and I parked right off to the side of the action. Wasn't going to park in the center of the action because I know that the owner of that parking lot doesn't believe in providing garbage cans. 

This year was a little different. It was still crowded however, the difference was due to Orlando Police Department. The Police basically made their presence known by cracking down on some of the things that made for great content like burnouts and the photographers standing in the middle of Colonial Drive. Also, they showed up in advance to a lot of the places that everyone would frequent if they couldn't get into Magic Mall (basically the gas stations).

Thankfully Sunday had excellent weather but usually Sunday is the day where the crowd splits up. Some people went to the race track, some went to the Riding Big car show, and others (including myself) returned to Magic Mall and hungout. 

At the end of the day, I still had so much fun during Florida Classic Weekend. I met some nice people and most importantly I was reunited with some great looking cars and saw some new great looking cars as well. This marks the end of the 2023 car show season. 

To see the rest of my photos, check out Bernie's 2023 Florida Classic Weekend gallery

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