
Bernie's Car Show Coverage: MidwestFest7 Weekend

Oct 16, 2023

Last year, I said to myself that Midwest Fest is my third favorite car show. It's kind of hard to beat my two favorite car shows (SEMA and the New York Auto Show), but Midwest Fest rightfully earned its spot on my list of my favorite car shows. Remember I'm only biased towards most things New York and if NYIAS didn't take place in NY, Midwest Fest would be in the #2 spot. 

On September 23rd, I traveled to Indianapolis to attend my fourth consecutive MidwestFest Weekend and as usual, I have nothing bad to say. In case if you're unfamiliar with Midwest Fest, the weekend goes as follows... Friday night: Block Party at Black Ink Indianapolis (all I can tell you is that the tattoo parlor is by a mall off of 83rd St that originally started as 86th St). I never stay too long because it's a party and my introverted nature doesn't agree with parties. Saturday: the show takes up a lot of space in the parking lot at Silver Centre (former mall turned event space.) Saturday night: after party somewhere in Indianapolis (again, I don't do parties.) Sunday: Stunt Sunday starts at Watkins Park and then it spills over to MLK Drive in front of Family Dollar. For the past four years that I've been going, this has been the game plan.

Much like MidwestFest4, 5, and 6, MidwestFest7 wasn't anything different. Everyone gathered at Silver Centre for an amazing show. I try to enter the show before it starts- meaning the show starts at 12, I'm running in there between 11 to 11:30 because there are already cars set up. Yes, people come early. Even though I've been showing up for the past four years, I've seen cars that I've seen before HOWEVER there were still a solid percentage of cars I've never seen before. The percentage of show cars remains the same- 70% of the cars would be categorized under big rim culture (donks, boxes, bubbles, American Muscle, A bodies, F bodies, and G bodies). The other 30% was lowriders, luxury/exotic, Corvettes, vans/trucks, and imports.

The next day, everyone gathers in front of this particular Family Dollar on MLK for Stunt Sundays. Stunt Sundays is like a block party where the cars will park to show off, lots of loud music and plenty of food and the people in the neighborhood bring their lawn chairs and everyone hangs out. Aside from the gridlocked traffic, nothing bad happens. Usually you can find me standing in the middle of MLK trying to get my shots. Just like last year, I said "if you love cars as much as you say you do, you should experience MidwestFest weekend at least once in your life." 

To see the rest of the photos, check out Bernie's Midwest Fest 7 weekend gallery.

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