
Bernie's Car Show Coverage: 2023 Rick Ross Car Show

Jun 19, 2023

After the success of last year's show, Rick Ross decided to do it again. On June 3rd, 2023, the second annual Rick Ross Car Show went off as flawlessly as I could tell... The controversy leading up to the show was a lot. A whole lot. Let's just refer to it as drama filled (remember I'm an impartial observer that loves a good car show).

In case you were able to avoid the kerfuffle leading up to June 3rd, I'm going to summarize it as best as possible. The main issue of the show was the Fayetteville residents having an issue with all of the traffic in the neighborhood. The residents even brought it to the county officials which made things a little sticky when it came to Ross and Freddy to obtain the permits. From there, Ross went back and forth with DJ Envy over who had the better car show. Now, as a person who attended both shows, I can say the Rick Ross Car Show and the Drive Your Dreams Car Show are two different shows. Although families do attend the Rick Ross Show, it's not solely a family show (especially how some of the women dressed to attend said show- they're dressed trying to meet someone. No shade, I just call it how I see it). Drive Your Dreams Car Show is marketed as a family car show, it's designed for families to have a good time- hence the rides and games that Envy does bring. Another issue was the price increase from last year. Again Fayetteville is considered metro Atlanta and when it comes to Atlanta, you have to make sure issues/shootouts/drama will not show up. The easiest way to make sure of that is to make it expensive to attend. Sorry but Atlanta will Atlanta if you allow it, and once again, do not blame Atlanta transplants.

Finally June 3rd rolls around and guests were instructed to park at either two locations to hop on a shuttle that takes you to the Promise Land. Once I arrived, I noticed some much appreciated upgrades from last year... as well as the one thing I really didn't like. 

I might as well get the thing that I didn't like out the way since there was only one thing. Again, I'm just an impartial attendee that loves a good car show. One of the major attendees that was promoted to come to the show was some super well known Lowriders that are from California. I remembered seeing Final Score at Torres Empire Lowrider Show in Los Angeles years ago and I remembered seeing El Ray last year at the Lowrider Magazine Super Show in Atlanta. Although Fredrarriii's car is definitely a donk, I didn't even know he was there until I saw the official photos. What made things harder to see things wasn't the barricades, but they had venders set up in front of the barricades so you really couldn't see the area. There's ways to protect a Lowrider from those who don't know how to act around them (aka the touchy type of attendee- both young and old. Again I'm not new to car shows and in the past, I've seen parents allow their toddlers to touch Lamborghinis.). The elaborate Lowrider displays (see below to get an idea of what I'm talking about and even some vehicles of the big wheel culture had their cars roped off as well) would have been a major help. I'm not one to hold my tongue but that was the only thing I really did not like. 

Now that I got that out of the way, I have no reason to complain about anything else. First of all, the guests were treated to an actual concert, with not just Rick Ross, but with Gucci Mane and Meek Mill. I have no concert footage because I go away from crowds and two... my days of photographing rappers are long gone. I spent the entire time meeting people, running into familiar faces, and most importantly, photographing some incredible cars. The quality was about 99% there of what showed up (there were a couple of builds that left me wondering why they were there), but that 99% was amazing. 

Can't wait to see what the third annual show can pull off. To see the rest of the photos, check out Bernie's 2023 Rick Ross Car Show gallery.

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