
Bernie's Car Show Coverage: 2023 Drive Your Dreams Car Show

Aug 16, 2023


On July 29th, DJ Envy made his return to Atlanta to hold the Drive Your Dreams Car Show.

My favorite New York DJ that loves cars, DJ Envy, held the third stop of his Drive Your Dreams Car Show at the Georgia World Congress Center. Much like all his other shows, Envy prides himself on putting on family friendly car show that actually has celebrity cars (I will never forget V-103- the Atlanta based radio station that use to put on car shows but they would park random cars and lie and say that the celebrities own them). 

The main attraction for this year's show was the Young Dolph museum filled with artwork, a memorial wall (since he was gunned down while purchasing cookies in Memphis), a PRE store (PRE in relations to Young Dolph is Paper Route Empire, his record label since he was (technically I should say is since his music does live) an independent artist), and most importantly... Young Dolph's car collection.

Young Dolph's car collection is a variety of vehicles that are all wrapped by Atlanta Custom Wraps in their camouflage print wrap. Aside from bringing his personal cars, ACW also brought vehicles that were wrapped in their Dolph Camo wrap. I know his fans enjoyed it especially because every time I turned around, I would see people (of all ages) wearing a PRE shirt.  

So what else did I see??? I was hoping you would have asked me earlier...

To see the rest of the photos, check out Bernie's 2023 Drive Your Dreams Car Show gallery.

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