
Bernie's Car Show Coverage: 2021 Frank's Custom Hydraulics Presents the Arizona Car Hop

Apr 12, 2021


After the Arizona Supershow, there's another annual show in Phoenix as well. The next day is always reserved for Frank's Custom Hydraulics presents the Arizona Car Hop. 

I found out about the show from Dream On Photography's Instagram page, which is my go-to for lowrider events on the West Coast. I'd figured that if Dream On approves the event like how he approves lowriders, I was going to have fun.... and my theory was correct.

Here's the shortened version of the backstory (according to Lowrider Magazine), a Phoenix native named Frank Castillo opened up a shop specializing in lowrider hydraulics before I was born. Aside from owning the oldest hydraulics shop in Phoenix, he's the president of the Spirit Car Club: Phoenix Chapter AND he's an active participant in car hops all over the Southwest. In a nutshell, Frank knows lowriders in every aspect. 

After the location was announced, (the location is announced right before the event starts) I pulled up to somewhere in Phoenix (again, first time in Phoenix so I didn't know where I was) and I had so much fun. Aside from the car hop which was located in the middle, around the hop was an actual car show. Get this, some of the cars were a part of the previous day's Arizona Supershow, but MOST of the cars were vehicles I've never seen before. Other than the desert heat, I had absolutely no reason to complain.

Enough talking because I know you wanna see some photos...

To see the rest of the photos, check out Bernie's Frank's Custom Hydraulics Presents the Arizona Car Hop gallery.

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