
Bernie's Car Show Coverage: 2015 SEMA Show

Nov 16, 2015

November 3-6 2015 was the 49th annual SEMA Show. Held at the Las Vegas Convention Center, the Speciality Equipment Marketing Association Show has one purpose- to bring those who are in the automotive industry together to see the latest products in the industry as well as to see a lot of blood, sweat, and tears in the customization of vehicles. It's a great opportunity for networking and to see how cars are customized all over the world.

I'm greatful for the opportunity of attending this show. Although it was my sixth show, I'm still considered a "newbie". Believe me, there's guys that have attended SEMA for the past couple of decades. Even Chip Foose has proclaimed that he attended his first SEMA show back in 1984 (ironically the year I was born).

It took me awhile to put this post together, because I wanted to post updates via social media and then I can show them all off within this post. If you were able to follow me through social media (@CarShowBernie on Instagram, Twitter, and Facebook), I posted as often as I could while still being in the moment.

SEMA always marks the end of the car show season for me and I'm so anxious to kick off the 2016 car show season.  For more photos, check out Bernie's 2015 SEMA Coverage: Day 1, Day 2, Day 3, and Day 4 galleries.

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