
Yuck!!!! Do you want to see a moldy Audi???

Apr 10, 2011

I hope you're not in the middle of brunch. Just in case, I decided to show the photo of the Audi after it was cleaned.

But to get it to this stage involved some major work, and a smart person to tackle this mess. Apparently when this Audi was parked, it had a firewall leak that soaked the carpets and interior. The result was a thick array of fungi covering most of the interior in lovely shades (I'm being sarcastic) yellow and green fur.

A New Jersey detailer named "The Greg" (his name off of got a call from the owner of a 2002 Audi AllRoad, saying he needed some cleanup done after the car was parked for four months. It's safe to say that some is an understatement. But why did the owner wait soooo long to call Greg?

I hope Greg charged him for putting up with that type of hazardous work. That car might be squeaky clean, but I don't think I would want to own it after that. If Greg can clean this, then he can detail any kind of car. But to see more photos and to find out what exactly Greg did to make this car sellable, check out

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