
Customization Gone Wrong, the Canadian Version...

Apr 18, 2011

Ottawa police were doing roadblocks and checking seatbelts as a part of their Spring Seatbelt Campaign. Everything was going good until they came across a green Chevy minivan.

Apparently the van didn't have an actual seat that goes into a car, instead they use a regular armchair (yes, the ones that you put in your living room), and it wasn't bolted down to the van. Which means if that van stops short or makes any other sudden movements, that passenger may not live to see tomorrow.

I've seen some interesting customizations, like a trash bag where the window use to be, but to put a arm chair where a seat use to be? You might as well make them sit on the floor. At least that's somewhat safer.

Hey Ottawa... I'mma need you to do better and get it together.

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