
Un Oh! You Might Want to Think Twice About An Electric Car...

Apr 19, 2011

Because with electricity can spark fires.

Case in point- A Connecticut home caught fire, and the fire originated in the garage. No one was hurt, but the two victims happened to be a brand new Chevy Volt (with only 2000 miles on it) and a converted all-electric Suzuki Samurai that the homeowner converted himself (*side eye*).

Right now, no one knows the official cause of the fire, but what is known is that the fire did originate where the two cars were parked.

Here's the video...

It's sad that the owners lost their vehicles and a part of their home, however it was a little naive of him to think that the electric cars had nothing to do with the fire. Now, Connecticut news stations are reporting that the remains of the Chevy Volt caught fire AGAIN, and this time, it wasn't plug in...

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