
Upcoming Car Show: Plies' Car Show

Jun 28, 2010

So if you don't feel like firing up that BBQ Grill on the Fourth of July, head to Albany for the Plies' Car Show... And the always charismatic Young Dro will be there as well. The flier tells all.

See you there!!!

P.S: If you don't think that Young Dro is charismatic, you must have pissed him off somehow. Oh and I'm also gonna count how many people have on those Old Navy Fourth of July shirts. You know the ones I'm talking about, the ones that cost $5.

Bernie's Favorite: Bernie's Baby, Her Ray of Sunshine.

(Very good, Consumer Report)This isn't him, but it's his twin. He's the same exact color: Silver Green Metallic (GMC's version of Olive Green). Ain't he cute...

I consider my 2003 GMC Envoy SLT my baby. Sounds weird, but I can trust my truck more easily than I can with most people.

Other than the mere fact that when I get gas and if I don’t put the gas cap on super tight, the check engine light comes on, I don’t have any problems with him.

Let’s go over my Ray of Sunshine’s (ROS) Specs, shall we:

He is 191.6 inches long, 74.7 inches wide and he’s 6 feet tall (You know I like 'em tall). His wheelbase is only 113 inches, so I could put 24s on him, but I wouldn’t because it would be tight and by tight, I don’t mean hot. Plus with the way I move, it's best to go with 22s, even better would be 21s.

His engine is a 4.2L V6 that gives me 275 hp @ 6000 rpm, but he’s RWD. Fuel wise, forget it. He can take 22 gallons of gas, but his EPA claims to be 16 mpg City and 22 mpg highway. However when I take ROS on the road, I’ve gotten 12.5 city and 22.5 highway.

I lucked out and got the SLT one. Within the 2003 line, there’s only two: the base model which is the SLE, and then the more top of the line one, the SLT. The Denalis weren’t out yet, but that’s okay. So my interior has leather seats with the memory setting, woodgrain, Bose sound system, dual temperature settings, CD/Cassette player (Moms is mad that I still have a cassette player and she doesn’t, so she can’t play her “Best of Al Jerreau” Cassette). Oooh and he has On Star, but I never activated it, and the seats are uber comfy, especially on a road trip.

I thought about it but I wouldn’t trade him. He’s taken me all over the place. He helped me leave that god-awful Chatham County, He took me to New York to Florida, back and forth from Atlanta to Savannah, even up to Memphis and Louisville. I went to car shows, events, and video shoots, he even has a cameo a Plies video. And yes, he's been to Yankee Stadium. You already forgot who's SUV this is???)

But he can’t stay stock forever. I really need to get some tint on my front windows (not to be cool, but for SECURITY REASONS), since some guys are crazy. I would have to get the leather restored, but that's down the line. I want to upgrade the wheels: Maybe the Asanti AF 143 with some color matching going on. And I would love to keep his same unique color because he’s not a common color, but I want to enhance it with some candy coating, and replace the grill so that it’s not the black, hard plastic one. His body has normal wear and tear, but unfortunately when I took him to Strokers, one of the dancers took her keys to his passenger door. And I was heated when I first saw it. Why are girls jealous? Believe me, I don't want your job or your "clientele"...

I have some other things in mind for him, but you’ll have to stay tuned for that. But I will promise that he'll never have a body kit or altezza lights.

And he'll never look like this either. The right side of the vehicle in this photo didn't look much better either...

How to Drive in Atlanta, By A Proud Yankee...

Jun 25, 2010

Photo still by, ME!!!

Driving isn’t hard. If you are intimidated by driving, then don’t drive. Get a state issued ID that looks just like a license (Note: I know they have them in NY but not sure about GA).

Driving still isn’t hard. It’s just people make it harder on other folks.

Driving Offense Number 1 and this is major… because if people would stop doing this mess, there would be less accidents on the road.

Highways have multiple lanes, and those lanes have names. The right lane is called the Slow Lane. Those who drive a little slower than the speed limit should ONLY drive in those lanes. The middle lane, is for those who can do the speed limit, and the fast lane is for those who go over the speed limit.

If you can’t handle driving in the fast lane or the middle lane then don’t drive in it. You are creating potential accidents when you do so.

“Well how do you know if you can’t handle driving in that lane?” Glad you asked me. If you look in your mirror and there’s a line of cars behind you on your bumper, maybe you should move out of that lane and stop being an insensitive jerk and messing up other people.

Driving offense number 2: The whole “talking on your phone” topic is more for specific drivers. Personally, I can handle talking on the phone while driving because I don’t get lost in my conversations. Those who get more involved in phone conversations/conversations with people in the car shouldn’t drive and talk at the same time, because those type of people are the ones who don’t pay attention to the road.

Not every driver is the same. I can drive and talk SAFETY at the same time because: I don’t have to hold or look at the phone as I’m talking because of this wonderful invention called SPEAKERPHONE. Plus like I stated before, I don’t get lost in conversations. If you’re in the middle of an intense conversation, then PULL OVER.

Driving Offense Number 3: People not knowing where they’re going. Those who suck at reading directions, there’s a wonderful invention called a navigational system. USE IT, it’s not just for decoration.

Driving Offense Number 4: Driving fast during bad conditions… Slow down when it is raining, snowing, icy conditions, etc. When it is raining, people tend to drive faster than they would when it’s dry. Because they think they’re not gonna lose control in their pickup truck (I’m stereotyping against the hillbilly South, but it is the truth). So then when it rains, there’s 90 million accidents because a dummy was speeding in the rain, and if I’m on that same road, waiting to drive past the accident in traffic, I’m mad at the dummy because they’re making me late to an event, meeting, or going home to watch Keeping Up With the Kardashians.

I’m gonna be honest, when it’s a rainy day, and I don’t have to go out, I don’t go out because I’m not dealing with a bunch of accidents on the road. And if someone hits my ‘Voy, that same person will feel Bernie’s wrath- young or old.

And that my friends is what Bernie top 4 Driving Offenses that’s committed in Atlanta, and I’m sure they happen everywhere… And if I offended you, then quit crying and drive better. Doesn't it feel good to vent.

Ridin Music: My Favorite Rapper's Alive Debut Album Anniversary

(This is the "2 dots over the Y, Jay-Z")

There's good albums, there's great albums, and there's classic albums. This, my friend, is a classic album that was released 14 years ago on this very day. Most debut albums are usually great albums or flops, rarely classics. But Jay did it right, and he didn't write down any of his rhymes, which even in 2010, is still rare.

All Reasonable Doubt is just Jay painting a picture about how his life was up to 1996, in which it was hustling in Brooklyn's Marcy Projects.

(Photo by Chris Buck. The original one is much stronger which was a black and white photo)

My favorite song on the entire album was originally suppose to be one verse, but at the 11th hour, Jay came up with the second verse. I think he should have just left with the first verse and with DJ Clark Kent talking. The second shortest song on the album, "Cashmere Thoughts" explained his financial goals in less than three minutes. But if you need help on deciphering the song, Cashmere Thoughts Lyrics

Jay-Z - Cashmere Thoughts
Found at abmp3 search engine

The only way Reasonable Doubt could have been better is if they added "In My Lifetime (Remix)" on the album. And if you don't believe me,

See I told you. And yes, this album is in the 'Voy, and it will remain in there.

Upcoming Car Show: 2010 NOPI/HIN Show in Boston

Jun 24, 2010

Boston!!!!! July 2-3 is the first stop for the 2010 NOPI/HIN tour... It'll be held at the New England Dragway in Epping, New Hampshire (That's not exactly Boston, but it's an hour north of Red Sox territory...). Just take I-95 to I-93, you'll get there. Feel free to throw eggs at Fenway Park for me.

If you are looking to attend and want to save a little money, click on the banner above, which will take you to the NOPI/HIN tickets page, type " BERNIENOPI " as the promo code and save yourself $5. I'm looking out for my viewers.

Just let me know how it is... And I hope there's not any customized Boston Red Sox cars. You know I am forever Yankees.

Part IV of Wrecked Exotics and the Poor Range Rovers that had to suffer

Jun 23, 2010

So I tuned back into Wrecked Exotics and out of all the Range Rover stories, I felt bad for one driver and passenger.

This story made me mad. I hope the victims' family cursed out the driver of the Lexus and sued them for everything they had and then some. Don't kill the children, or even the adults. I would have beaten down the driver... in front of the cops. I'm getting mad over people I don't know. I'm moving on...

Now for the other stories, forget it. Why should I feel sorry if you can't handle driving fast and losing control of your SUV??? But to the Range Rover Dealerships, you might want to do an inspection of those you hire.

Basically, don't let hired help drive your SUV, even if you do trust them.

Who knew that a Range Rover can demolish a building???

Stolen Range Dumped in Water...

If you can't handle driving fast... Those poor 24" wheels.

How can you NOT see a stopped car??? And I don't want to hear any excuses either.

This story was funny cause the driver ran away. I wonder if he got caught.

This couldn't be helped. This story actually could be excused.

The last two stories are the reason why car dealerships should give a more thorough test for their new hires....

TWO Land Rover Employees not paying attention and ran head first into each other. Who would have thunk it???

And the final story:

Need I say anything more? And you know the driver got fired...

There's way more stories over on the Wrecked Exotics Website

Bernie's Take on Dub Wheels

Jun 22, 2010

I honestly thought all they carried were the spinners that you see at Car Shows. Boy I was happy to say that I was wrong. They have a nice array of wheels, just at the car shows the spinners were the ones who were getting the most love. I don't think those wheels will go away anytime soon. The "Spinners" line is probably the best selling line. Can't knock their hustle.

So I’m gonna divide my favorites by how the website divides it, as well as showing you what I'm talking about.

The Dub 1pc: I like the Nasty Car , Dirty Dog , and I love the Big Homie Wheels. Those are hot on an SUV, especially on a full size SUV (Escalade, Yukon Denali, Tahoe, etc).

The Spinners: I’m not a spinner person. Dub Spinners look better on a car, rather than a SUV. But as long as the background of the spinner is color matched to the vehicle, then I can deal. But if I were to pick one, I will go with the Muse Spinner.

The Three Piece Forged: Now we’re getting to the good stuff. There’s not much of a difference between the X-10 and the X-11 . The X-12, X-19 , X-21 , X-22 are pretty. X-34 is for girls!!!! Don't believe me? Bam...

The Zane Collection: I’m not a fan, but I would have to see the wheels on a car to change my opinion.

Dub Exclusive: Proxy 2 and Proxy 9 are interesting. But they’ll have to be on the right “fully customized” car.

But my favorite Dub Wheels: Second place is the X-20 , but first place is the X-16 . Both of those would work on a big bodied car, not on an SUV.

Upcoming Car Show: 2010 Dub Car Show, Englishtown, NJ

Jun 21, 2010

Alright, the 2010 Dub Car Show and Concert is still going strong, and the next stop is in Englishtown, NJ at Raceway Park on June 27th from 7AM-7PM. A day after the Funkmaster Flex Car Show, I may have to crash this one...

Don't Judge Me on This Ridin Music...

Don't get me wrong, he's a sweet person. Well he is to me anyway.

I'm on my way home at three something in the morning, and I'm listening to Hot 107.9, and they play Waka Flocka's new song "Hard In The Paint". I'm like "Is this who I think it is?", seriously I was shocked. After playing it in the 'Voy, I came to the conclusion that I really like it. But I will say this, the beat is harder than the lyrics, with that said, I will not be surprised if this same exact beat is on someone else's mixtape. Oh Jeezy... (Please realize that I only said Jeezy's name because I would like to hear how this beat with his lyrics would sound together. I'm not trying to rehash anything).

Side note: On the day of this photo, I learned that Waka was born in New York. But he left at an early age, way back when Biggie was alive, The World Trade Center was still standing, and Rudy Giuliani was actually liked as the Mayor of New York City. Yes kids, it was that long ago.

So the player is below, and to download it, click on my photo above.

And like the title of this post says, Don't Judge Me on My Choice of Ridin Music.

Upcoming Car Show: 2010 Funkmaster Flex Car Show, Edison, NJ

Jun 18, 2010

Short Post cause the ad speaks for itself...

Guess where I'll be??? Check out the line up. Those names do sound familiar. Faces I've seen before, and faces I haven't seen before. Coverage will be coming a few days after.

Trevion's VW Beetle

At first sight, I automatically thought that this was a chick's car, but it's not. I'm still at the Stuntfest Car Show and I come across this Customized VW Beetle. My first thought was "Awww, it's so cute". I talked to Ross, who works at Finesse Auto Wurks located outside of Atlanta and he said the client wasn't there, but I can take photos and come by the shop to get whatever else I need...

So I did. I went down Moreland Ave to Finesse Auto Wurks. I didn't know Moreland Ave was so long, cause usually when I'm on that road, I'm either in Little 5 Points, that shopping center that has the Target and the Barnes and Noble, or the Dance Studio that I sometimes frequent. Back to Finesse Auto Wurks since you guys keep getting me sidetracked.

So at the shop, I was able to be reunited with Ross as well as meeting the shy, bashful owner of the VW Beetle. I talked to him for a good hour and a half before I interviewed him, but he allowed me to get all the interior photos I want. Of course, you can only get so many in a VW Beetle.

Of course the hardest part of photographing the interior is climbing around the interior. Isn't it cute. When you watch the video, make sure you hear what he named the car.

I wonder if he kept the name??? And he also owns this car as well.

While he was talking to me, he told me about how he doesn't like to draw attention to himself, but yet he has two cars (and another one in the making) painted in such vibrant colors...
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