
UPDATED: Upcoming Car Show: 2010 NOPI/HIN Show, LA

Aug 25, 2010

LA!!! On August 21-22, what will you be doing??? Well, let me make a suggestion. The fifth stop of the NOPI/HIN Tour is rolling west allllllll the way to LA. It will be held at Angel Stadium in Anaheim. It's about 35 mins from wherever Google considers the main point of LA to the stadium, but you might hit some traffic on the 5.

UPDATED: NOPI/HIN changed the date and time of the LA Location. It is now being held on September 18th at the Los Angeles Convention Center. (I guess holding it at Angel Stadium would bring the LA Angels luck) The time will be from 4pm-11pm (that's a late show, especially if it's indoors.)

If you want to save a little cash, click on the banner, order the tickets online, type " BERNIENOPI " into the Promo Code.

Don't thank me now, but if you see a rapper that goes by the name of Glasses Malone, tell him Bernie says hi, since he doesn't come to Atlanta anymore.

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