
Recapping Episode Two of Funkmaster Flex's Full Throttle

May 17, 2011

This past Sunday was episode two of Funkmaster Flex's Full Throttle. I recapped episode one last week. Episode two had Chris Brown and Cory Gunz stopping by.

Within the first couple of minutes of the show, Chris Brown showed up to the Team Baurtwell Garage tucked away in the Bronx (*smiles*). They talked cars for a brief second, with Chris admitting his love for a particular car- the Dodge Viper. He goes on to say that beyond admiration, he wants to purchase one... and he does. (See the bottom of this post as proof, since I don't want to take away from Flex's recap).

Is it me or is Chris Brown a pretty decent rapper. He's not bad, in fact he's better than some of the guys who actually call themselves rappers. And no, I don't stan for Chris Brown, nor have I met him before.

Between the two guests, Flex found time to go to the Tuff City Tattoo Parlor on Fordham Road in the Bronx, not to get a tattoo, but to pick up something. Then he makes it back in time for the highlight (in my personal opinion), Cory Gunz's interview/freestyle/presentation of gifts.

Within the interview, Cory admitted his love for a particular muscle car, the same one that I have the exact love for: The Ford Mustang. Flex, being the generous guy he is, gave Cory the Funkmaster Flex edition Ford Mustang GT, the same one that he gave to Snoop Dogg a few months prior. There isn't any photos of Cory Gunz and the Ford Mustang, so I had to go with the shots of the one he gave Snoop.

(Obviously Cory's doesn't have the Snoop Dogg Decal on the windshield)

I wished MTV would upload the entire episode since it's no longer than 17 minutes. Either way, my complaints about the show are the standard two: the episode could stand to be a little longer (I.E. At least the standard 22 minutes). With a longer episode, they could have stretched the actual customization of said car: instead of the camera walking around the car ONCE with Flex's voiceover. Either way, I just added Cory Gunz to my list of guys to race with my Road Trip Buddy...

I'll be watching again, this Sunday.

Now, back to Chris Brown. He did get the Dodge Viper, and in fact, he brought it to Unique Autosports for Will to work his magic on it. Don't believe me?

I wished I could have done the behind the scenes photos, at least they would have looked better. Just saying...

Photos: Unique Autosport

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