
Contest Time!!!: You'se wanna go to SEMA and have Surf City Pay for it???

May 17, 2011

From Surf City Garage:
A trip for two to SEMA 2011 - airfare and hotel included!

Put on your director's hat and get those cameras rolling, because if you love cars and Surf City Garage® Enthusiast Grade™ Detailing Products, you could win an absolutely FREE round-trip for two to the biggest automotive event in the world - SEMA 2011 - airfare, hotel and tickets courtesy of Surf City Garage®. And there are other great prizes, too.

Here's how it all works. We're looking for the next great commercial of the year, and we're not asking Hollywood, we're calling on our fellow Enthusiasts!

Simply make a 30-second commercial featuring Surf City Garage® Enthusiast Grade™ Detailing Products - be as creative, humorous and crazy as you want, just keep it all in good fun. Show the world that when it comes to detailing products, nothing else even comes close to Surf City Garage!

Whether you've got a pro video camera, a flip camera or a smart phone, here's your once-in-a-lifetime chance because we're judging on creativity and execution of the concept, not on budget - and on how you use our Enthusiast Grade Detailing Products.

Entering Is Easy, Here's How
Send us your video so that we receive it by June 14, 2011 at 5pm PDT. On June 16, we'll announce the Top 5 commercials and post them to the SCG Facebook page for voting, which will continue until June 22 at 5pm PDT. If your eligible commercial receives the most "LIKES" (comments will not be accepted as a vote) on the SCG Facebook page, you will be our Grand Prize Winner. We'll announce the Grand Prize Winner on June 23. And who knows - Hollywood might just come calling after all. Entrants must send their Completed Commercial Video (the "Official Entry") via the following methods:


OR via USPS or Courier: Commercial Contest, Surf City Garage, 5872 Engineer Dr., Huntington Beach, CA 92649.

Entries sent via this method MUST be on CD, DVD, memory stick or otherwise easily readable electronic medium. Each Entry MUST include: Entrant's name, address, telephone number, email and how you heard about Surf City Garage.


The Grand Prize Winner wins a trip for two to SEMA 2011 with roundtrip airfare to Las Vegas, NV, a hotel room for 3 nights and 2 FREE SEMA tickets.
1st Runner-Up: Receives a Flip Camera and SCG Toolbox
2nd-Runner-Up: Receives an SCG Toolbox and an SCG T-Shirt
3rd Runner-Up: Receives an SCG Works Kit
4th Runner-Up: Receives an SCG Works Kit

All eligible Entrants will receive a FREE 8oz bottle of a Surf City Garage Enthusiast Grade Detailing Product and a FREE Surf City Garage T-Shirt.

So don't wait any longer - start dreaming up your commercial now and send it in!

Alas, it wouldn't make sense for me to enter. I've gotten my media confirmation for SEMA 2011 over a month ago.

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