
Bernie's Car Show Coverage: 2011 GA Toyz' Dragfest

Aug 17, 2011

On August 13th, the GA Toyz guys threw their annual Dragfest show in Eatonton, GA. No strangers of putting together a successful car show, this show was a mix of fully customized cars and drag racing at the Head Hunter Dragway.

As always, I did run into some familiar faces, some in which were surprised that I was there. 9 times out of 10, I do show up to GA Toyz' car shows since their turnout is guaranteed. I don't ask for much in regards to a car show. I don't mind paying admission, I don't mind paying for parking and food, I just like for there to be cars at a car show. Some folks think that's harsh of me to say that, but it is what it is.

The photographer found me on facebook and sent me this photo... You can't say that I don't take photos at car shows.

Back to the GA Toyz Show. I had a great time at the show. Like I stated before, there were a lot of cars that came out, and there were a lot of cars that I haven't had the pleasure of seeing. The crowd favorite happened to belong to some guys from Texas. With them came two vehicles: A Cadillac Escalade EXT (the pickup truck) and a classic donk. Although it was hard to get photos of the cars without a bunch of guys standing by the car gawking, I did the best I could.

(Told you.)

That donk was serious, and that's coming from someone who isn't really into donks. I'm sure they walked a way with a few of these...

On to the remainder of the photos, with minimum commentary:

Subtle customizations to a Maxima that look good.

Cute boy with a cute SUV, and no, that's not his.

The owner of this Chrysler 300C wanted me to make sure that I photographed the panoramic roof. And since he was so nice, I did...

A roof like this would freak me out when it's storming and I'm in my car. Bernie doesn't like thunder and lightning.

Naked chicks painted on a Impala. Whomever airbrushed the girls did a great job.

I love a great burnout

Again, I love a great burnout

Although I was attacked by ants on the race track, all and all, I had a great time. As I'm typing this a few days after the show, I'm still soaking my feet, drying out these ant bites. To see the remainder of the photos, speed over to The GA Toyz Dragfest 2K11 Gallery

Hey GA Toyz, see you at the Labor Day Car Show.

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