
Mr Cartoon talks LA Car Culture with Rob Kardashian

Apr 23, 2012

The guys at Sanctiond Car Care (Mister Cartoon and 'em) released a video about Rob Kardashian as he talks about LA Car Culture. He talks other stuff as well, but we're only touching on the car aspect. But I do love tattoos as much as the next person, seeing how I have a Yankees one. Watch the video, and I'll give my usual feedback.

I was pulling for Rob Kardashian. He starts out by saying he loves old school cars, and kind of gave an insight about what he loves about Los Angeles Car Culture, and I respected him for it. Rob continues by saying that Bruce (his step dad) gave each of his genetic sons an old-school car which they had to restore themselves (more respect). Then you see Rob hauling down the street in an Oldsmobile that's the same age as I am. And I'm thinking "Uh Oh, he might actually know a thing or two about Los Angeles Car Culture". But the moment was shot and killed when you see Rob speeding down the street in a white Porsche Panamera, which has nothing to do with Lowriders.

He made it so close, but yet so far.

Of course the video looked great- because it was shot by Estevan Oriol and thankfully he gave it that Southern California feel.

I still think Khloe has more street-cred than Rob.

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