
Bernie's Car Show Coverage: 2022 Atlanta Lowrider Super Show

Sep 8, 2022


Mid-October 2021, Atlanta based Krazy Vatos Car Club posted this video on their Instagram page stating that Lowrider history would be made in August 2022. But that's all they said...

And they were right. For the first time ever in their 45 years of existing, Lowrider Magazine traveled to Atlanta, joined forces with Krazy Vatos and held the Atlanta Lowrider Super Show at the Cobb Galleria Centre on August 21st, 2022.

The show itself reminded me of the Lowrider shows in the Los Angeles area but on a smaller scale due to obvious reasons (and also there weren't any tacos.) Cars from as close as Cobb County (which is where the show was held), various parts of Georgia, to outside states like Florida, South Carolina, North Carolina, Texas, and a few from California (but they traveled with the show). The hall was packed with cars, bikes, and vendors-- just leaving enough room for the stage and the crowd.

History was made and I was there to take it all in.

One thing I would like to mention is…. Just when I thought I’ve seen all of the lowriders in the metro-Atlanta area, I found two ‘64 Impalas that were completely new to me. 

But what else was parked in the room? I'm so glad you asked...

To see the rest of the photos, check out Bernie's 2022 Atlanta Lowrider Super Show gallery...

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