
Bernie's Car Show Coverage: 2012 Z Nationals Car Show

Oct 15, 2012

I know what you're about to say. "For someone who says that they go to car shows all over hasn't posted original coverage in awhile". Well, I was going to post the coverage from the 2012 Nopi Nationals, but I was lied to by the media events guy (aka Mark) who said I was on the alleged media list. Well, one thing about me, is that I can read people well and call their bluff. And that whole situation, was a giant bluff... 

So a week and a half ago, I had the pleasure of returning to Z Motorsports in Carrollton, GA for their annual Z Nationals Car Show. This was my third time covering it, and I always enjoy it. I'm not a fan of the Nissan 350z, because I don't like small cars. I'm a girl, I like to shop. I can't fit anything in that small car. However, I do like the concept because everyone basically had the same canvas, and it was up to them to show a personalized version of said canvas. Enough of my babbling, on to the photos...

(My Co-Worker's car. What are the odds???)

(Well, I'm sure he's voting for Romney... if he's even registered to vote)

(This Nissan GTR is for sale for the low, low price of $100,000)

For more photos, check out Bernie's Car Show Coverage: 2012 Z Nationals Car Show. Also, I do have
2012 SEMA Show in Vegas, I'll be judging the Sibiling Rivarly Show in Jacksonville, and I'll be at 
Los Magnificos in Houston. And I'm figuring out 2013 as we speak.

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