
Coverage from the Philly Auto Show/Dub Car Show: Philly

Feb 14, 2011

Took me a minute, but I stumbled across some great photos from the 2011 Philadelphia Auto Show/ Dub Car Show: Philadelphia. I usually don't post other people's photos because usually they're not technically or aesthetically pleasing (I'm trying to say that the photos are horrible or not editorial). Not to brag, but I am a published photographer. My photos have been viewed by millions of people- not just on the web, but in magazines that's sold in supermarkets, bookstores and newsstands all over the country. So yes, I'm picky and somewhat hard to please when it comes to photography. I didn't go to one of the world's famous art schools for nothing, but believe me when I say that I give credit when it's due. Case in point:

I stumbled across a forum called The tri-state area that they're referring to is the most popular one of them all (where Bernie's from)- Southern New York and the entire states of New Jersey, and Connecticut. I decided to show off some of their photos for them since they look great. Of course, the Philadelphia Auto Show showcases new cars, while the Dub Car Show showcases customized cars.

Tuner Car!!! You forgot that Philly isn't much different than New York and New Jersey.

My Baby!!! The Nissan Juke.

Side shot of him, I can't wait to see him in person.

Leave it to a Maserati to bring the guys over.

Not my favorite Mercedes, but I love the lighting, and as we all know: When it comes to photography, LIGHTING makes the photo.

Love the lighting again... and the steering wheel.

I picture Funkmaster Flex to have a pool table like this in his house. Either him or someone who is a serious muscle car enthusiast.

I like the lights!!!! Nissan has been putting out some funky looking vehicles lately.

Wow!!! Look at the detail on that Camaro.

They had a nice turnout. I may have to go next year. Maybe not, the Phillies did lose to the Yankees, and I don't feel like getting shanked. For more photos, check out TriStateForums' Facebook page

Another reason why I don't use everyone's photos because it's a violation of copyright if you edit another person's work without their permission as well as taking off their watermark. That's why I left these photos as is.

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