
Bernie's back from SEMA....

Nov 10, 2010

Like I've been talking about for the past few weeks, SEMA made its annual trip to Las Vegas. Though this blog hasn't been in existence for a full year, I was still able to get my official media pass to cover SEMA.

Besides this being my first time going to SEMA, this was also my first time being on the West Coast, so I had to adjust to the time difference, which is what killed me. The West Coast is different, a bit more calm. They even drive different out there, but everyone drives different than a New Yorker. But I wasn't stopped by Las Vegas P.D. for my driving, and oddly enough, by the second day, I knew my way around Vegas like it was nothing.

Back to SEMA. I underestimated the size of it. Every hall was filled, and I do mean filled. From the North Hall to the South Hall and even the Center Hall in between, it was packed. Outside was just as packed- even the DUB Car Show had a great turnout.

There was so much to do, so much to see, so many people to talk to. I met so many great people from different companies, and they've extended the offer of my coming to their offices to interview people, and I will take them up on their offer.

I have a lot to talk about- from the Hyundai Equus, to some interviews, even down to my powder dusting an faux alloy wheel, that will be broken up into several posts in the upcoming days.


I did post the link to the Outdoor aspect of SEMA and that's where the majority of my photos that were taken are from. Remember that this is SEMA- not the "first annual" car shows that only feature wheels and tires. These cars were done and I enjoyed seeing them. So check out Bernie's 2010 Outdoor SEMA Show, and believe me when I say that there's more to come.

I got a lot of love in Vegas. At times, it was a little too much love. This trip was very much trial-and-error. Somethings I will do better the next time around, but all in all, SEMA was successful... for me anyway.

See you'se next year, Vegas.

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