
Bernie's Car Show Coverage: 2023 SEMA Show

Dec 4, 2023


On October 31st, I made my faithful return to the Las Vegas Convention Center to the 2023 SEMA Show, which would be my 13th consecutive SEMA Show (SEMA 360 better known as virtual SEMA 2020 doesn't count.)

The Speciality Equipment Marketing Association trade show will always be my favorite car show. Yes I'm well aware that it's technically a trade show since it allows those in the automotive industry to see what's new and the latest trends as well as how the product enhances the look of a vehicle, network with companies, learn how to grow your business in various ways, and also hobnob with some celebrities in the automotive world. No matter how many times I attend SEMA, this paragraph will never change since that's the whole idea of SEMA. I'm always grateful that I can attend SEMA. I can always depend on a lot of walking, meeting great people, great weather, and most importantly-- seeing gorgeous vehicles. I definitely took a lot of videos from vehicles that intrigued me the most... 

I know I would have crossed paths with the Mercedes 300SL since it was customized in LA, but that matte black '69 Camaro was customized in Idaho of all places.


What did I see??? I was spoiled last year from all of the lowriders and donks, so naturally I didn't see nearly as many as compared to last year. Also, I didn't notice a "Car of SEMA" where a significant amount of booths will use the same vehicle and customize it in various ways. Instead companies had a variety of cars. Some used newer cars but a lot of them used classic vehicles. No matter which way the companies went, you can't lose.  I will always be happy to attend SEMA.

To see the rest of the photos, check out Bernie's 2023 SEMA Show Coverage: Day 1, Day 2, Day 3, and Day 4

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