
Bernie's Car Show Coverage: Street Beast VI

Jul 18, 2022

We all know I love a good car show. However, on June 19th, I attended my first actual race at Silver Dollar Raceway.  I've seen illegal street racing especially when I lived on Long Island. Stuntfest, King of the South, Texas Whipfest all have racing at the shows, but I normally avoid the racing aspect (I don't like crowds) and just stick to the car show aspect, but Street Beast VI forced me to see what racing is all about.  It took me forever to make it to Street Beast, since the original 2021 date was rescheduled to the same date as Midwest Fest (and nothing can come between me and Midwest Fest).

The one thing I would have done differently was... I would have arrived hours later than I actually arrived. The gates open early, like at noon to give the guys time to tinker with their cars and making sure that their cars will perform how they should on the track. Then the practicing starts at around 5. The actual action starts at 8. I "secured" my spot on the track before 8, but then once the cars started to hit the track, the crowd made their way to the track as well. So unfortunately, everyone was kicked off the track (even the ones that were cleared to be there, like me) so that the races can continue. I didn't get to see the headliners go at it, but since 2022 Florida vs the World race will be held in Georgia, I'll try again with the races.

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