
Bernie's Car Show Coverage: 2021 STL Summer Showdown

Oct 18, 2021

On August 8th, I attended my very first St Louis Summer Showdown in East St Louis, Illinois (this was my first time in Illinois and Missouri.) Because I had a crash course of Midwestern car culture at MidwestFest, I kind of knew what to expect because the Midwest tends to stick together... no shade to Atlanta. Some of the cars I've seen before, however... 

MOST of the cars were completely new to me. Between 12 to 4, cars kept coming in and things were looking great until.... 

A severe thunderstorm showed up and forced the car show to end early. I finally left the raceway and made it to the Pilot gas station across the street, where cars from the show stopped and it turned into an unofficial after party. 

Despite the storm coming through, I had a fun time. I met some new people, ran into familiar faces and saw some amazing cars. Since I was robbed of having the full St Louis Summer Showdown, I have to come back next year. But to see the rest of my photos, check out Bernie's 2021 STL Summer Showdown gallery.

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