
Bernie's Car Show Coverage: 2019 Goldrush Rally: Atlanta

Jul 3, 2019

Goldrush Rally is one of the world's most premiere luxury rally. In a nutshell, luxury/exotic car owners drive to some of the biggest cities where they meet fans, party, and if they're lucky- they get about 3-4 hours of sleep a night. The rally originally started as a three day journey, then they expanded to seven days, but last year, they expanded it to 10 days. Might I add, the participants ACTUALLY drive. It's not like they're driving from Long Island to Baltimore (4 hours).

My favorite part about the rally is that they document it- the good, the bad, the partying, the pranks, the speeding tickets, everything. Since I'm fortunate to attend SEMA every year, Goldrush Rally debuts their documentary during SEMA week, where they also announced the route for the next rally. At the screening for their 10th anniversary documentary, when I heard them say Atlanta as the third stop, I gasped.

Seven months later and after a seven year break, Goldrush Rally made their triumphant return to Atlanta. One by one, they arrived at TopGolf for their fan experience. And the fans were more than excited to see them.... and I was standing in the rain with them.

Atlanta isn't like New York, Los Angeles, Las Vegas, or Miami. There are supercars here, but there's not a lot. Yes there's Lamborghini Aventadors, McLaren 720s, MAYBE a Porsche 918 etc but to see a Pagani Huyura in Atlanta only happens once a year... if that. Yes, Atlanta has Ferrari 488s, but to see a Ferrari 812 Superfast is still rare, unless you work at the Ferrari dealership. Aside from the cars, the other aspect of the rally that stands out are the participants. They just want to have fun and they have fun driving city to city, meeting everyone who is there to greet them. Although they're not related, the participants love each other like family.

While at TopGolf, I ran into Aimee, who is the marketing director of Goldrush Rally and she told me where the participants were staying and what time they were scheduled to depart the following morning. The next morning at 7 am, I pulled up to the Ritz Carlton in downtown Atlanta to get photos of the cars that didn't go to TopGolf. This isn't the first time I was in a parking deck photographing rally cars, and it certainly won't be the last time.

In true Goldrush Rally fashion, the participants had the Atlanta Police Department (after they got their photos of course) escort them to Interstate 75/85 where they drove to their next stop, which was Cincinnati, Ohio (460 miles, about 7 hour drive). Told you they drive.

To see the rest of the photos, check out Bernie's 2019 GoldRush Rally: Atlanta gallery. And yes, I will be front and center at the screening of this year's documentary.

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