
Bernie's Car Show Coverage: Caffeine and Exotics: September 2018

Sep 14, 2018

I know it's been awhile since I've posted, but I'm back with coverage to show from the last car show I've attended. This past Sunday, Caffeine and Exotics held their third show of 2018, however, this show was a little different. Normally I would type "Held in the main parking lot of Atlanta’s Lenox Square Mall, Caffeine and Exotics is the younger, more exclusive sibling to Caffeine and Octane." The latter will never change, because it will always be the younger, more exclusive show compared to Caffeine and Octane.

To switch things up, Caffeine and Exotics decided to change the venue of the show. In the past, it was held in the main parking lot of Lenox Square Mall, in the Buckhead section of Atlanta. This time, it was held in City Springs, the new work/eat/live area of Sandy Springs, which is still the suburbs of Atlanta. I'm programmed to travel to shows and when I heard that Caffeine and Exotics was relocating to a new venue that is less than 2 miles from my house, I was shocked, but happy.

Aside from the distance, the other aspect that I loved about the new location is the amount of space between each of the cars. Sometimes at car shows, people tend to park as if they're going to a store instead of parking to show off the car. Spectators now had the opportunity to really appreciate the car.

Just because the venue changed, it doesn't mean that the rules did. Caffeine and Exotics stayed true to their name by providing enough high end vehicles for everyone to drool over. From the McLaren 720S, some Lamborghini Gallardos/Huracans/Aventadors, Audi R8s, Ferrari 458s and 488s, Rolls Royce Dawn,  Porsche GT3s, Nissan GTRs, a timeless Bugatti, and of course the sedan with the most comfortable rear seats- the Mercedes Maybach, there was more than enough to keep the attendees entertained.

To see the rest of the photos, check out Bernie's Caffeine and Exotics: September 2018 gallery.

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