
Bernie's Car Show Coverage: 2016 Los Magnificos Car Show

Nov 28, 2016

Los Magnificos Car Show is one of Houston's most dependable car shows. Started back in 1982, Los Magnificos has grown to become one of the most largest custom car shows with over 650 cars as a part of the show. Although there's four Los Magnificos shows in the state of Texas, Houston is the flagship show- the one that everyone wants to be a part of...

I was first introduced to Los Magnificos in 2012, when one of the guys at 713 Motoring told me about it. After doing some research about it, I knew I had to go. After four years, on November 20th, I was able to experience my first Los Magnificos (and also my first Houston) car show. Everything was new to me, I saw slabs, daytons, and PLENTY of lowriders. I saw some familiar car clubs- Nokturnal, Xplizit, and Swift car clubs, but I was introduced to some new car clubs like HouTex Ryders, Illegal Toys, and City Style. There were a lot of vehicles where the doors were altered- gullwing, suicide, Lamborghini style, rotating, and down (you'll see what I mean). A couple of vehicles had PSA announcements in the trunk. But most importantly, I noticed a LOT of Texas pride- between the customizations on the vehicles and also the attendees wearing their finest Texas attire. All in all, I felt like I was in a Paul Wall video.

Houston won me over with this show, and I definitely have to return next year for their 35th annual show. I had a great time at the show, the only complaint I had was that the NRG Park has horrible lighting. It's too warm. The 2016 Los Magnificos Car Show was a great way to end of my 2016 car show season. To see more photos, check out Bernie's 2016 Los Magnificos Car Show Gallery.

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